Thursday, 1 March 2007


to your Latymer Critical Research Blog

1 comment:


Hi ellie, can you get blogging asap, amie and siobhan said they will show you what to do. try using labels, links and some video.

i've been thinking about your research and feel that you might need a subtle change in your approach, if it's really audience attitudes to crime that you are interested in, as opposed to drime drama itself, it would be better to title it 'where do audiences get their perceptions of crime and criminality from?' or 'how relevant is the media in constructing the public's preceptions of crime and criminality?'. that way you don't have to focus on texts as such until you have had some initial responses from an early would be wise to look at newspaper articles, the news, crime dramas, and documentary in order to have an overview of the sources of crime representations andin order to be familiar with the material without having to focus on one area in detail. have a chat with me about this on monday.that might be easier and more relevant ms blackborow